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The Art of Braiding, Basics - Third Revised Edition

The basic skills included are those needed to braid all items plus material preparation. They are cutting, platting, buttons, finishing, string/cutter beveler plans and more.

The Art of Braiding, Revised Basics is the most important book in the Art of Braiding series and is referred to throughout the entire braiding book collection, as the basic skills taught are those needed in order to braid any item.

Since teaching classes at the Horse Expo in June, I have been leaning toward redoing the Basics in the same form as our later books to improve clarity and understanding by using new photographic illustrations and new text to reflect these photos.  Thus we are revising The Art of Braiding, The Basics, to reflect these necessary changes.  The book is called The Art of Braiding The Basics, Third Revised Edition.  

The 6 basic buttons are still taught, but improved.  An example is the addition of red arrows to indicate where the last pass occurred in the previous photo.  This will help the braider keep his or her place when braiding.  No information had been removed, but the book will be a few pages longer due to the additional photos and instruction.   
While we edit this new book we are adding to the index.  For those who own the Revised and Second Revised editions, the index pages will remain the same, but there will be added page numbers referred to that reflect the new Third Edition.

 View the Introduction of
"The Art of Braiding, The Basic, Third Rev. Ed."


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Below are samples of the new pages.



"The Art of Braiding, The Basics, Second Revised Edition"


Includes the following instruction:

Tools - Description & Use
Cutting Roo hide into braiding strings
Plaiting - 4, 6, 8 and 12

Buttons instruction for:

2 Pass Spanish Ring Knot
3 Pass Spanish Ring Knot
6 Bight Turk’s Head
Herringbone Interweave
Gaucho Interweave
4 bight Turk’s Head with gaucho interweave
Long Pineapple Knot with herringbone interweave
Terminal knot
Applique braiding - 2, 3 and 5 strand


2-Key fobs
large group of flat keyfobs
Covering an antler fid

Detailed Plans of String Cutter/Beveler
See image below

Detailed Plans oStrutter/Beveler



To order this book online, see main braiding book page.

 Price: $79.00

 Or use the link below.

 Items may be ordered with PayPal or by Credit Card

"The Art of Braiding, The Basics -
Third Revised Ed."

Pre-Printing Price: $79.00

Use this shopping cart for both Domestic and International orders.

The ongoing series includes:

The Art of Braiding , The Bosal I - Rev.

The Art of Braiding, Bosal II

The Art of Braiding, Long Pineapple Button

The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins I

The Art of Braiding, Romal Reins ll

The Art of Braiding, Small Projects – Book 1

The Art of Braiding, Turk's Heads 1

The Art of Braiding, Turk's Head II

"The Art of Braiding, Nylon Reins"

To order books by mail.

For those that would prefer to order on the phone or by fax. The shipping prices by Priority Mail with a confirmation of delivery (within the US) is as follows:

1-2 books - $12.95
3-6 books - $19.50
6-10 books - $25.00

We find Priority Mail to reliable and fast.

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 Email - hought@hought.com

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