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Special Colors - Glowbelt & Reflective

Breastplate - Style D

Pictured in Reflective/Blue & Black Beta with stainless steel hardware.

This breastplate can be made with any beta color in place the blue beta. The breastplate on the right is Pattern #2 with more blue and also this one is PVC padded. (Additional $25)

Style D is one of our most popular endurance breastplates, well suited for endurance riding, trail riding and riding in mountainous terrain. Soft and flexible, it has the feel of a good quality leather. Completely adjustable, this style has super-heavy padding between the buckles and the horse's shoulders, a safeguard against direct buckle contact.

3/4 inch reflective over 1 inch super heavy black beta on the shoulders. If you want softer padding on the shoulders, see Breastplate Style PD.

On left: Pictured in stainless steel hardware.

BD-Rv/Ks - $180.00
solid brass hardware

BD-Rv/Ks - $195.00
stainless steel hardware

BD-Rv/Khsb - $275.00
Horse Shoe Brand hardware


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The above breastplate may be ordered online below. Choose solid brass hardware, stainless steel hardware or stainless steel Horse Shoe Brand hardware. Three sizes are available. Please check the sizing chart for breastplate. This breastplate style may ordered with PayPal or a credit card in 10 beta color choices over a black beta base: black, blue, red, chestnut brown, wine, violet, teal, hunter green, white & yellow.

 Items may be ordered with PayPal or by Credit Card

Breastplate - Style D-Rv
Reflective over a choice of Beta Color & Black Beta

Choose your size, hardware and color.

size, hardware, price
Beta colors + black beta

Color Combinations

 Email - hought@hought.com

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